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    Electron Microscopic Imaging of Porous Materials

    Editor: Date:2020-12-15 Hits:32

    Time: 15:00-16:00, December 16, 2020.

    Place: Room 326, Cao Guangbiao building, Yuquan campus, Zhejiang University.

    Topic: Electron microscopic imaging of porous materials.


        This report focuses on HRTEM and idpc-STEM imaging modes, as well as freeze focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) electron microscopic sample preparation techniques.

    Brief introduction of the Lecturer

        Han Yu is a professor at King Abdullah University of science and technology in Saudi Arabia. The research fields include the synthesis and application of nanoporous materials, heterogeneous catalysis, gas separation, weak light imaging technology of electron microscope, etc. The main research specialties include the design, synthesis and microstructure characterization of complex porous materials, low dimensional and hierarchical heterostructure metal materials, as well as the application in heterogeneous catalysis. The development of ultra-low dose electron microscopy and its application in the study of electron beam sensitive materials. So far, Professor Han Yu has published more than 300 academic papers, including authoritative journals such as Nature, Science, NAT Nanotechnology, Nat-Chem, NAT Mater, NAT Commun, JACS, Angewante Chemie, Advanced materials, etc, with a total citation of about 24000 times and an H-index of 76. In 2004, Professor Han Yu was selected as 100 young inventors by MIT’s Science and Technology Review Magazine. In 2006, he won the Singapore Young Scientist Award. In 2008, he won the Thomson Reuters research fronts Award. And in 2016, he was named as Professor Jiang Xueren, Minister of education of China and Highly cited scholars of clarivate analytics in 2019 and 2020.