

报告题目:Scanning Confocal Electron Microscopy (SCEM)
联系人:金传洪, 87953700, chhjin@zju.edu.cn
The development of spherical aberration correctors for transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) has greatly reduced their depth resolution to typical just a few nanometers, which allows to probe information within three dimensional (3D) objects at a well-defined depth, a process called optical sectioning. In similar fashion, scanning confocal laser microscopy (SCLM) has been widely and successfully implemented in optical microscopy due to the fact that scattering from points away from the confocal point are detected less strongly than the in-focus scattering. In the electron-optical analogue, recently we has realized this confocal configuration, known as scanning confocal electron microscopy (SCEM) on a double aberration corrected TEM. They predicted a depth resolution of ca. 3.5 nm on a 200kV instrument with a 30 mrad semi-angle apertures. Therefore, an opportunity exists to optically section samples to provide 3D information.
Here I will present several operation modes derived from this SCEM configuration, namely bright field, energy filtered and annual dark field SCEMs. I will demonstrate the methods for establishing their electron trajectories and discuss resolution limits in terms of their optical transfer functions in reciprocal space. Finally I will explain their imaging mechanisms using theoretical calculations and recent experimental results of 3D reconstructions.