

报告题目:Charge Transfer in Photocatalysts and Solar Energy Materials
报告人:Dr. Nianqiang WUWV Nano Initiative, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, USA
时间:201078日上午10:00 ~ 11:00
吴年强博士1986年进入云顶yd222线路检测材料系学习,1997年云顶yd222线路检测材料系博士毕业,同年晋升副教授。1999-2001年赴美国匹兹堡大学做博士后,之后在美国西北大学负责Keck表面中心工作。2005年受聘西弗吉尼亚大学助理教授2010年晋升副教授。研究兴趣包括纳米材料、纳米光刻技术、生物传感器、光催化和太阳能电池材料。先后在JACS(3)Nano Letter(2)Advance Materials(2)Small(3)等期刊上发表50余篇论文,他引近900次。
Charge Transfer in Photocatalysts and Solar Energy Materials
Abstract: This presentation will deal with photo-excited charge separation, charge transport and charge recombination processes that are involved in photocatalysts and solar energy materials. The charge transfer processes determine the catalysis efficiency of photocatalysts and the energy conversion efficiency of solar cells. This talk will demonstrate that the charge transfer processes are tuned by the particle size, shape, surface structure and dopant of homogeneous nanocrystals. The speech will also discuss the charge transfer in the quantum dots/metal oxide and the carbon/metal oxide heterojunctioned-nanocrysal systems, in which quantum dots and carbon act as photo-sensitizers. The results obtained show that heterojunction-structured nanocrysal systems enable the photo-excited charge separation and the charge transport in the meanwhile suppress the charge recombination process, which is beneficial to the photocatalysis efficiency and the energy conversion efficiency. Finally, the talk will show the interaction of photocatalysts with bacteria and biological cells.