

为期两周的中美功能玻璃冬令营于2010115圆满闭幕。本次由云顶yd222线路检测材料系无机非金属材料所组织的中美功能玻璃冬令营吸引了国外如麻省理工, 卡内基梅隆大学,宾州大学等,国内如中科院上海光机所,复旦大学,中国建材研究院等25个大学和研究所的60余名师生参加。共举办了16场专题讲座,另外参营学生介绍了他们的研究成果。本次冬令营半强制性地安排美方学生与中方学生同住一室,对于促进相互了解取得了很好的效果。冬令营整个过程由无机所光子材料研究室的学生具体负责运作,既锻炼了学生的组织,调节和变通能力,也从另一方面展示了我们浙大学生的能力和精神风貌。期间还安排参观了中科院上海光机所,上海光源,云顶yd222线路检测光及电磁波研究中心,浙江省博物馆等。这次冬令营不仅展示了我国在功能玻璃领域的重要研究成果,也使我们进一步了解了国际相关领域的发展趋势。美方教授深入浅出,生动活泼,强调互动的授课方式使我们受到很大启发,另外美方学生对待课后作业一丝不苟的态度也使我们中方学生受到极大鞭策。美国国家基金委国际功能材料研究中心共同主任,宾州大学Pantano教授回国后在来函中提到:On behalf of all of us, I again express our thanks to you, your students, your faculty colleagues and Zhejiang University for hosting a most successful Winter School. I am sure we are all looking forward to the next steps in this emerging collaboration. 密苏里科技大学Brow教授在来函中指出:I second all of Carlo's 'thanks'! It was a great experience- very well-run, intellectually stimulating, and a lot of fun. My congratulations to you and your associates and to the Lehigh team for putting this all together. 爱荷华州立大学Martin教授在来函中强调:I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the tremendous effort and time you made and took to make the US-China Winter School on New Functionalities in Glass the huge success that I think it was. I believe that not only was the winter school a tremendous technical success, but that it was also a tremendous cultural and social success as well. You and all of your students and other staff of your department worked very hard to offer and run an exceptionally well organized and beneficial experience not only for the students but the faculty as well. I look forward to building lasting interactions and collaborations between our universities, faculty, and students as a result of this winter school. Thanks again for your tremendous effort to make this school so successful in so many different ways.